lunes, 19 de febrero de 2018


St. Valentine´s day

Sant Valentine´s day from Alba Pallín Molina on Vimeo.

Spain in the Middle Ages (test: Tuesday, 27th February)

What do I have to know?
  • Beginning and end of the Middle Ages 5th-15th centuries (Roman empire fall-discovery of America).
  • Visigoths: 507 A.D. visigoths conquered the Peninsula creating the kingdom of Toledo. They were a Germanic tribe. Religion, language and economy (farmers). 
  • Muslims: 711 A.D. muslims defeated visigoths in the Battle of Guadalete. They came from the North of Africa. They were and emirate (dependent) and the became a caliphate (independent) with Abderramán III. Religión (Islam), cities (mosques, souk, alcazaba). Economy (merchants/irrigated farming). Monuments (Mezquita de Córdoba, Alhambra de Granada).
  • Christians: Three society groups- clergy, nobles and peasants. New jobs (blacksmiths, artisans and millers). 722 A.D. Battle of Covadonga (Don Pelayo)- Kingdom of Asturias. Reconquista (8th-15th centuries): important conquests- Toledo, Jaén, Islas Baleares, Córdoba, Valencia, Sevilla, Granada (1492). 

lunes, 5 de febrero de 2018

English test unit 3 (Tuesday, 13th February)

What do I have to know?

  1. Future: will and won´t (predictions and last minute decisions), might (uncertain plans and possibility in the future), to be + going to (plans and predictions with an evidence) and present continuous (arrangements).
  2. Numbers: Write large numbers (million, thousand, hundred).
  3. Vocabulary: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Júpiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, stars, astronaut.
  4. Writing: The house of the future.