lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2016

Sciences question

Today we studied instruments used to measure the atmospheric conditions. One of them is the barometer, which measures the air pressure and tells us if it's going to rain.
What is the indicator of precipitation:
a high pressure or a low pressure?

10 comentarios:

  1. Low pressure is the indicator of precipitation : rainy, cloudly or snowy

  2. Low pressure is the indicator of precipitation.

  3. La lluvia se produce porque las bajas presiones dejan que suba el aire, forme nubes y se condense. Hay veces, que llueve cuando hay altas presiones ( anticiclón ) que no le permiten subir, es en zonas donde el aire se encuentra con grandes obstáculos (montañas) que le "obligan" a ascender, sube, se condensa y precipita en lluvia.

  4. It would be Low pressure, I think.

  5. the indication of precipitation is low presure

  6. low preasure.Adri Rivas
